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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Favorite Hero: Blood Hunter

In Heroes of Newerth, like all video games, noobs come in all shapes and sizes.  Sometimes they can be hard to spot, but pretty often a player's hero choice can give it away.  Scout is a favorite of noobs, followed closely by Bloodhunter.  Considering he's one of my favorite heroes, that must make me a noob.

That said, I don't really care because Bloodhunter is so fun to play.  As a meele hero with a fast attack animation, Bloodhunter is an excellent last hitter, and his passive skill gives him health back every time he finishes off a creep.  Combined, this makes Bloodhunter an excellent solo mid hero with very few counters.

As such, Bloodhunter can take over games.  By dominating the mid lane, Bloodhunter allows his team to dominate the mid-game.  By getting levels, Bloodhunter's ultimate skill can be deadly against lower level foes and makes for a great ganking weapon. 

There are two main items builds for Bloodhunter I have adhered to are rushing a codex or rushing a mock of brilliance.  When I first played Bloodhunter, I preferred the first build.  An early codex made for easy ganks and ridiculous fun.  It also prevented Bloodhunter from scaling.  More recently, I have switched to rushing a mock.  That allows Bloodhunter to be very effective in mid-game team fights and allows him to farm making him moderately viable late-game.

And that my friends, is why Bloodhunter is one of my favorite heroes.

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